The Joy of Quitting
How do you master a skill when you have no time? There is an old saying that goes: "If you chase two hares, you will catch neither". This was profound for me, as I was chasing about fifty different hobbies and activities. Over the years, I have eliminated many of them. Quitting is seen as a sign of weakness in our culture. That's not always true, though. I agree that failing to fulfill commitments, giving up during a slump, and quitting just because something is difficult, should not be done. But when it comes to unimportant activities that have become obligations, quitting is great. They were important at one time, but now they are not. Trying new activities and experiencing life's changes guarantees that we will have to retire some of our hobbies and projects eventually. This frees up time to focus on what is currently important. Quitting is a part of life and can be a wise decision.
If you have a hobby that you no longer love doing, do regularly, or see it fitting into your future, then it is a prime candidate for elimination. With each extraneous hobby you quit, you can also get rid of all the equipment that goes along with that hobby. You no longer have to maintain your skills and certifications, either. You have cleared space in your garage and in your mind. Don't let your stuff guilt you, either. Just because you own a bunch of expensive gear for that hobby you no longer like, does not mean that you need to use it. Sell the stuff, and part with the hobby. Sometimes our most stressful and unnecessary obligations are of our own making.
How do you master a skill when you have no time? Make time by getting rid of the other skills and activities you don't need. There is no shortcut to mastery, just time and effort. Find something important to master, and trade all of the unimportant stuff for that needed time.
We feel so much pressure to do everything, but it's not healthy to do everything. Do you have a hobby or project that is lined up for the chopping block? Please let us know in the comments section below.