“Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope."

-Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations

Uninformed Decisions: Why I can't afford not to read

Uninformed Decisions: Why I can't afford not to read

The posts this week have been about the value of quality reading material. Also, how to find it, and how to get the most out of it. If you have been following up to this point, I hope you have started or are considering reading your next book (if nothing else, you feel a tinge of guilt every time you walk past the bookshelf). If not here is one more point on the subject.


Reading offers an opportunity to learn from people with more experience than you. Can you look back on a time when you said something like this?: "I wish I knew back then, what I know now. I would have done things differently". There is probably a book available about that thing that you will "wish you knew" in ten years. Why not learn that thing now?


We don't know what we will need in the future. But doesn't it make sense to prepare ourselves as much as we can? There is a saying that goes: good luck happens when preparation and opportunity meet. We don't know when the opportunity will come, but the preparation is up to us. Could you afford some time in your day to establish a reading habit? What you learn today, may prove to be invaluable tomorrow.

Wisdom and Instruction

Wisdom and Instruction

Reading is Hard Work

Reading is Hard Work